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Tag: community college

ECC sustains green efforts with passion for native plants (Sun-Times Media)

ELGIN — Gardening is one of Harriet Happel’s passions.

Happel — office coordinator for Elgin Community College’s division of Sustainability, Safety & Career Technologies — plants native vegetation that will attract the birds and bees to her home, she said. She plants river birch and pussy willow in the flood area in her backyard, plants that absorb water without altering the environment.

“I think part of it is getting that connection with things after everything we do all day that’s artificial,” she said.

Happel was one of about two dozen Elgin Community College students, staff and faculty who connected Thursday with the Kane County Forest Preserve District to plant native vegetation near the wetlands on campus at Spartan and Renner drives.

That’s part of the forest preserve district’s Prairie at Home program and part of the community college’s goal to create a more sustainable campus.

Volunteers chipped spades and struggled with an auger Thursday in the hard-packed dirt — a result of the recent hot, dry weather in the Elgin area — to put in more than 500 plants native to northern Illinois. Some familiar plants include coneflower, bee balm, coreopsis and wild quinine, according to Robb Cleave, volunteer coordinator for the forest district.

“A lot of them are really showy, so it’ll be a nice aesthetic addition to the campus,” Cleave said.

For the rest of the story, read ECC sustains green efforts with passion for native plants (Sun-Times Media).

Photo credit: Michael Smart for Sun-Times Media.

Weekly Wrap-Up: Catching up after a full week in the Northwoods…

I spent most of the weekend catching up on sleep, and most of the workday Monday catching up on email after I spent the first week of June with my nonprofit, Hope for the First Nations, on the White Earth Reservation in Minnesota. I plan to write more about that trip Monday on the blog.

Meantime, here are all the articles I wrote that week and this week for my day job at Sun-Times Media:

Photo credit: File photo for Sun-Times Media.

Weekly Wrap-Up: Hallelujah! The end of the U46 trial is in sight!

I’m trying something new this month, wrapping up all my short stories for The Courier-News in one post at the end of the week so as not to overwhelm anybody’s feed reader. This past week was a good illustration why that could be a good idea. What do you think of this format?

In addition to cover stories on prom and transportation funding, I wrote…

Photo credit: Jeff Cagle for Sun-Times Media.

ECC names lobby for Elgin business/donor Lamp (Sun-Times Media)

ECC names lobby for Elgin business/donor Lamp (Sun-Times Media)