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Tag: social media

Free Home Run Inn pizza from Klout

You can argue Klout’s ability to measure influence is questionable, at best.

But you can’t argue with free pizza. Not even free frozen pizza. Not even when you take your food just a little too seriously, like my husband (and sometimes me, when I’m trying not to embarrass him).

Because some nights frozen pizza is the best thing in the world. Like Monday night, when Kristin and I were mixing Fig Old-Fashioneds (more on those in a later post) and planning to smoke some cigars she’d bought over the weekend at Up Down Cigar when Joel got home at 9:30 p.m. and hadn’t yet eaten dinner.

Joel and I usually pick up frozen pizzas when they hit $1 on sale at the grocery store. I like to spice them up with cinnamon and Frank’s RedHot sauce, sometimes oregano or red pepper flakes, if we have them. Joel adds meat. Or cheese.

So when Chicago-based Home Run Inn offered a free pizza (and pizza cutter!) as a Klout perk, I jumped on it. Because free is even better than $1. Also, I’d never had Home Run Inn pizza before, despite the fact, in the Chicago area, Home Run Inn makes up 25.8 percent of frozen pizza sales — more than DiGiorno and Tombstone combined (nationwide, it takes only 1.3 percent of that market). Those numbers come from a Chicago Tribune article Home Run Inn sent this Sun-Times Media reporte, along with the coupons and pizza cutter. No hard feelings.

The Ultra Thin Margherita pizza actually was pretty good. The ultra thin crust was flaky and buttery, but still crispy, almost like a cracker, and different from any other thin crust pizza I’ve had. The toppings… Well, they were buried in an avalanche of Pecorino Romano Joel had shredded on top.

Happy Margarita Day, indeed.

NOTE: In case you missed the part about the Home Run Inn pizza being a free pizza I got as a Klout perk, the Home Run Inn pizza was a free pizza I got as a Klout perk.

Photos taken with Retro Camera. Click to embiggen.